
                                         "What's in the Mailbox?" Babybug                                          
"Ghost at Your Door," Ladybug
"Flicker, Flash, Ka-boom!" Ladybug
"My Box" Highlights Hello
"Picture Day!" My Friend-The Catholic Magazine for Kids
"Boating!" Wee Ones E-zine
"The Sights and Sounds of Nursing," Advance For Nurses (online)

"The Picnic Guest," Ladybug
"Trucks," Highlights for Children
"Will's Machine," Focus on the Clubhouse Jr.

Short Story
"The Ghost of the Apple Orchard," Highlights for Children

"Red Means You're OUT!" Faces
"Five Devious Secrets to Appease the Laundry Police," Northwest Family 
"Living in a Techno World," Northwest Family 
"10 Fun Home Projects for Preschoolers," MetroKids
"10 Things to do With Preschoolers When You're Housebound," MetroParent
"Sex and the Married Woman," Atlantic Parent/Atlantic Baby
"A Meditation on Motherhood," The Family Digest
"Cervical Cancer: Is Your Child at Risk?" Pediatrics for Parents
"Acne: New Treatments for an Age-Old Problem," Pediatrics for Parents
"The Beauty of Botox," Hudson Valley Life
"Is Your Teen Up for the Challenge?" Hudson Valley Parent
"Finding an OB," Hudson Valley Parent

Forthcoming: Three poems in The Friend