Give yourself permission to write. Don’t feel guilty for ignoring the housework, the laundry or turning down someone who is requesting more of your time.
Select or alter a location that is conducive for your writing and figure out your best writing time. Is it the splinter of daylight, the setting sun or a Sunday afternoon? Try to work everything else around your best writing time.Join a writer’s community. Check your local library or
bookstores for events or meetings. Or join online groups.
Find a critique group or partner. We become blind to
our manuscript’s weaknesses, having a fresh set of eyes can give us insight and
help problem solve. Be willing to revise again and again. But learn when to say no. If you’re not a part
of a writer’s community, you can find online critique groups.
Read books in your genre and age group. Read books on
improving your craft.
Polish your query and be professional. No gimmicks:
scented paper, confetti, glitter, etc.
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