Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Time Frame for Revising a Manuscript

Signing up for your first or twenty first novel critique from an industry professional can be both exciting and frightening. You frequently check your inbox and then one day, there it is. The critique. But when you open the email and see six pages of notes and comments, you’re shell shocked. 

You didn’t think the manuscript had that many problems. You read the notes and disagree, maybe even think she doesn’t get it. After a few days of pondering the suggestions and rereading the email, the sting is gone and you’re ready to start the revision.

You may not know where to start. Some people use Post It notes or different colored highlighters to track each character's thread, plot lines, complications, climax and resolutions. Once the manuscript is marked up, some writers address one problem at a time while others take it one page at a time.

Once you’ve figured out how you’re going to tackle the revision, you plunge in and start the process. At some point, you start to wonder if you’re taking too long, if you’re doing it wrong or even how long should it take.

Below is the link to a blog post from Tracy Marchini, agent at BookEnds Literary and children’s author. She explains why a revision takes time and answers the question: How long should it take?

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