Being friends with a writer can be frustrating because writing
is a solitary experience. Friends and family may not understand the writer’s need
to lock oneself away for hours on end with nothing but their thoughts and the
desire to get words on paper. They may feel rejected, not understanding the
writer choosing isolation, instead of spending time with them.
Many writers already start their day with a substantial
scoop of guilt. Should they run errands with the spouse or friend, sign up to
be a chaperon for the next school trip, be an active member of the PTA, attend
every family birthday or BBQ and numerous other requests for their time or should they just
say no.
Below are a few ways to incorporate your friend’s writing
life into your friendship.Your writer friend will appreciate that you are
interested in her passion and spending time together on other writing related activities
is a win-win for both parties.
When you’re at a bookstore or library, stop at the community
board and see if there are any events that would be of interest to your writer
friend. Offer to go with her.
Ask her if she’d like you to read some of her work. I don’t
believe you have to be an expert at critiquing to give some helpful advice. Be
kind (no insults) and remember your friend is vulnerable. Putting words on
paper is also putting parts of herself on paper. If the story or chapter had you confused or you
didn’t understand why a character did what they did, that is helpful advice to
a writer.
Ask her if she’d like to discuss problems with her current
project. Hearing a different perspective may help her solve her problem.
Visit museums or art galleries. Exercise. These experiences and
actions develop complex thought patterns and encourage creativity.
Visit author book signings with your friend or go to book
fairs together.
These are just a few suggestions and some might even sound
like work. Ugh! Exercise! But, if the friendship is worth having, so is the
work. Trust me, the friendship is important to your writer friend, too.
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